rachel vogtmann collective
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Hi there! I’m Rachel… It’s no secret I’m excited that you’re here!


A little bit about me…

I’m a twenty-something, whose passion is helping others feel confident in their own skin. Whether that’s taking photos or helping with hair or skin concerns. i’m a huge advocate for mental health and positivity. this is a space for me to create and express myself through my photos and my online business. thank you so much for being here! subscribe to my e-mail list to get more updates from me.

photographer: dana g photography | midland, mi

photographer: dana g photography | midland, mi

Photographer: dana g photography | midland, mi

Photographer: dana g photography | midland, mi

photographer:: flora Gibson photography | big sur, ca

photographer:: flora Gibson photography | big sur, ca

photographer: flora gibson photography | pfeiffer beach, big sur, ca

photographer: flora gibson photography | pfeiffer beach, big sur, ca

photographer: flora gibson photography | Pfeiffer beach, big sur, ca

photographer: flora gibson photography | Pfeiffer beach, big sur, ca


One day it just clicks.
You realize what’s important and what isn’t.
You learn to care less about what other people think of you and more about what you think of yourself.
You realize how far you’ve come and remember when you thought things were such a mess and you couldn’t recover. And you smile. You smile because you are truly proud of yourself and the person you’ve fought to become.
— @Motivated.Mindset